
krastavac-cazin-300x178Production gherkin with us in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in Krajina has become a tradition. Start of production dates back to the 1980s. year. In recent years the production of gherkin is raised to a high level of quality and technology of cultivation.
It can be said that the Krajina became the main place where the products cucumber for large European processors of these materials. The 2013th SPZ Agrodar year produced 700 tons of gherkins, a plan for the 2014th year from 1,500 tons to 2,000 tons of gherkins. Serious approach to business, professional staff and quality equipment that we have imposed on ourselves as the leading manufacturers of pickling cucumber in the region.
Our goal is to further investment and development in this segment of production. SPZ Agrodar offers refrigerated goods by class 2-5 (140 +), 3-6 (100 +), 4-7 (80 +), 5-8 (60 +), 6-9 (40 +), 9-12 (20 +).