Become a successful farmer

kukuruzAnd CSS in conjunction with AgroDar s.p.z. ( specialized agricultural cooperatives ) that emanates from the well known firms  from Cazin , organizes lecture on ” Production – pickling cucumbers and other crops. “

Teachers are professional engineers who will be present to meet with agricultural production, cucumbers , raspberries and other crops. The significance of this lecture is reflected in the fact that all interested the opportunity to get in one place all the necessary information related to the aforementioned production and that of experts , who will provide them and deliver the most important thing , and that is the knowledge that guarantees success .

This successful company offers recently signed a protocol on cooperation between the Municipality of Bihac and Poljosementi company that will allow you to Bihac farmers sell their products to the purchaser , ie Company Poljosementi . Agricultural producers who go into production – cucumbers gherkins have a safe purchase and payment within 30 days of receipt of goods , which will be marketed Slovenia and Germany . We hope that the farmers in the municipality Bužim start agricultural production and achieve successful cooperation with buyers and thus contribute not only to improve their own economic position , but also the overall economic climate of the municipality Bužim .
Therefore, we invite all interested agricultural producers and those who want to be engaged in agriculture to attend the professional lecture will be held on 13.01.2014 . (Monday) at 11:00 h in the hall of the House of Culture .